
The first time I came to Denmark I wasn’t really feeling myself. I walked the quays and canals, dined on river boats, and got locked into a plot-line that, while it wasn’t mine, was fun to run with all the same. The second time I came for love and then I came again and again.

The first time I came to Denmark I wasn’t really feeling myself. I walked the quays and canals, dined on river boats, and got locked into a plot-line that, while it wasn’t mine, was fun to run with all the same. The second time I came for love and then I came again and again.


Throughout it all, and wherever I went, the sea was always there. In the salt Spring air that filled the bluebell woods. Under the boat as it bobbed and blew beneath Summer skies.
Behind the biting Autumn breezes as the sun set over Copenhagen's spires. Down on the dusky, darkening beach beneath the Winter ice and snow.
The tides rose and fell, the afternoons became evenings, chapters opened and closed as we faced the tides together and then alone. Into the blue again, into the silent water...
Next journey...
Red Balloon