Like the one on its flag, El Salvador is a place of triangles. Shark-fin waves that push the surfers back towards the shore or toothily snap their boards into little As. The tessellation of stratovolcanoes that run along the country’s spine.
El Salvador
Three overlapping points in time, Lenca, Spaniard and Salvadorian. Sometimes it’s hard to sense the seismic shifts that result. Everyone sees the ones that erupt; a civil war, drug fuelled gang violence, a state of emergency, super-prisons, mass incarceration.
Less witnessed are the endless little dramas of two plus one, the was and is of human interplay. A trinity nativity performed on park benches, in crowded bars and beachside bedrooms to the pounding rhythm of the Pacific Coast.
Between the camera lens and my eyes a chronicle of just around the corner or beyond the edges. Rarely sufficiently acute to capture an essence. Sometimes aware enough to know when I’m just opposite or adjacent. Always searching for my perfect hypotenuse.