A country that gave me so many singular memories, become so sad. Flying from Cyprus to explore Crusader castles along the coast. Moonlight picnics in Apamea. Meandering through Aleppo medina’s Aladdin-like hidden palaces and souks. The black ruins of Bosra hosting Austrian symphonies. The games of tawlé in curious Qutayba’s ancestral courtyard. My Ismaili students showing me the vineyards and gardens of Salamiya, city of peace. Touring the ruins of Palmyra with precious Amal, the rooftop feasts in Damascus, the endless circles of academics, artists, diplomats and grand merchant families. Within three years much of this earthly jenna would lie in the ruins of war.
A country that gave me so many singular memories, become so sad. Flying from Cyprus to explore Crusader castles along the coast. Moonlight picnics in Apamea. Meandering through Aleppo medina’s Aladdin-like hidden palaces and souks. The black ruins of Bosra hosting Austrian symphonies. The games of tawlé in curious Qutayba’s ancestral courtyard. My Ismaili students showing me the vineyards and gardens of Salamiya, city of peace. Touring the ruins of Palmyra with precious Amal, the rooftop feasts in Damascus, the endless circles of academics, artists, diplomats and grand merchant families. Within three years much of this earthly jenna would lie in the ruins of war.